When I was a child

When I was a child the imagination was the most powerful weapon I had.

Everything was possible, and if I couldn't do it I would have dream that I did it. I could dream about how to achieve what I wanted and I will be very constant until doing it. I would try again and again until achieve it. My parents would get desperate but…I was a child. Do you remember how did you learn to ride a bicycle? My mother eyes burned on fire when I didn´t stop to trying it, even with the times that I finished on the ground.

When I was a child I didn't mind to cry. Crying was the way for putting away all my furious and to got calm and prepared for the next challenge.

When I was a child I could play, and play and play full of energy, including when I was almost slept. I didn't surrender myself to go to bed

When I was a child I would trust in my parents. My family would never betray me. Always I could have their support, whatever the case or the milestone was. I trusted in my parents when managing my own life and i could adapt easily.

When I was a child I could say always the truth whatever of politically incorrect it was.

When I was a child I could never think that my friends would leave me in the bad moments. I would die for them. I could cry, and laugh and play and fight with them.

When I was a child I always wanted to win at football. I liked to compete, but I could accept to loose. Very hard to loose, but I could do it, and also my friends. Next time we would win. I loved playing in my football team. I could dream to be the hero, the star, the one who scored the goal in the last minute. But i liked to share it with my colleagues. And they could get happy also.

When I was a child I would respect the traffic signals and the things that our parents always said that we had to respect because it was in the benefit of all of us. I would not be angry for have to wait in a line.

When I was a child I loved surprises. I loved my grandparents with presents; I loved to stay with old people hearing them about their lives because they knew a lot.

When I was a child I could be hours and hours in front of the TV or the radio or with a video game, because I could dream that I was a hero, I could enter in the film or in the song or in the game and save the world. I loved be idealist. I loved to have challenges, I loved to achieve them.

When I was a child I could pass with the people of my class, together, the bad moments at school. We will live together the success or the failure of other children as if we were them. We could be happy for them, be jealous some times, but admiring them others, without complex.

When I was a child I could wait and wait and wait until the moment of Santa Claus or the Three Kings came to my house. I would be impatient, but i could wait.

When I was a child I liked other people visiting my house. It was something different, even if I didn't like too much those people. But I could hear new things, new ways to understand the reality around me.

When I was a child I loved playing in my football team. I could dream to be the hero, the star, the one who scored the goal in the last minute. But i liked to share it with my colleagues. And they could get happy also.

When I was a child I couldn't understand to much the value of things, but I could understand that some things don´t have any value and others are impossible to valuate.

When I was a child I liked the changes. It was amazing to satart something new, to know new people, to have new friends. I could adapt easily.

When I was a child I could be ill but I will put all my energy in recovering as soon as I could, to go to play again

When i was a child....

Not so far from now...

Impossible was nothing…

Today should be the same


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