Entrepreneur: When dream turns real

Entrepreneur is the person who has a dream and moves to make it real. Everybody can be this person if have the determination to move, in spite of sacrifices, disappointments, problems and of course, if you don´t mind sleep 5 hours as much.

If you are one of them, welcome. The path is hard, the illusion makes everything possible. Using the brain is important.

I have a motto. Think with the heart, execute with the head. When you have your extraordinary, innovative and exclusive idea (is what always we think about our ideas) you are moved with a lot of passion.  Be calm, passion yes and determination of course, but listen to others. Don´t get crazy for it.

The first step is deciding if alone or with company. Is more than a decision of a Saturday night when you are single in a disco. Is a decision that would change a lot of things of your original and exclusive idea. Alone, only two eyes, but all glory is for you without not ending discussions with partners. The sacrifices are the same.  With partners discussion is a must. The rule is that everything should be clear from the beginning. Put all the agreements in papers and always, always, feed the confidence. As much you trust in your partners as much you will drive the company to success.

The second step is to have absolutely clear who are you and where do you want to go. Some people speak about vision, mission, etc. I don´t like to much these words. Sometimes they get only philosophical terms, empty of nothing operative. I speak about something operative. Who I am (with my stronger and weakness) and where am I going? If you know where you are addressing you will always know which is your “meta” and it is very important. Of course the path will change and the way to the end will be changed many times. Of course yes, but you know where to reach to put the flag.

The third is wasting hours, and hours and hours (infinity) designing the plan. The plan is unpredictable of course, and may be a big part of this will never happen. But designing the plan is when you understand what is possible and what is not in each step. Everything is possible (I am sure of it, but is important to measure when is easier or necessary to turn from impossible to possible). Everybody wants to found another Google, Apple or Facebook and all ideas are fabulous, but what is possible to come from a dream to a something tangible, earning money and contributing for a better world? That´s the question.

Four, look for money. Difficult in many countries. Public and private money usually comes when the company is open. Before is difficult to have an important amount of money borrowed by institutions. And after they will invest in you the same that you have invested, when there are not big amounts. Be confident, if you have done things properly you will find the money.

Five, all formal papers. Uffff. In Spain very complicated. Go to Social Security, to Tax Authority to….bla…bla….Is possible to do it together by internet if you are lucky.

And now, when you have your company working is the big mountain coming up. Is the time to fail and plan again, fail and plan, fail and plan…be prepare for solve the problems as fast as you can and adapt to your client request. Is the time of much stress and the time when your dream turns in a nightmare….The illusion, fraternity and determination of the founders is critical. If you pass this milestone you will reach whatever you want.

Of course, you will reach the top making it sustainable. And it implies to adapt always (always is always) to the circumstances without changing your own identity. Be you, but be you in adaptation to everything around you.

Use your fears as allies to be prudent and to execute with your head. But use it in a positive way. Don´t be afraid of fail. When it fails it makes the project better because is replant and readapted by the founders.

Don´t forget the words of a big dreamer, Albert Einstein. If it can be imagine it can be done.

And always remember the way. If you lose your connection with the real world and the “little people” you will be rich but your net present value will be zero.


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