The world in change: Why now?

The world is unfair. Is unfair for almost 4/5 people who live in there.  The “developed” countries have the 80% of the resources. This is a fact, but an old one.  This has been the topic of some activists to fight against governments and different organizations.
But today the world is small. Internet makes shorter the distance between the “different worlds”. Today everybody can see things in the net and can know things about another reality who shares the world with them.
And obviously, when you are in an “undeveloped” country, without medium class, with very important social problems and without knowledge of what is happening around you, may be you can be happy assuming your circumstances, but when you are in this situation and  have the possibility to know what is happening around you the situation is different. You don´t assume the circumstances and in the border of your frustration, look for other people who share your problems and your dreams. And the result is very predictable, you want to change things and when there are a lot of people with the same idea, finally the things change.
The problems in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and maybe others that will come are not a casualty. Are the results of this new world where everybody wants for their children to have the same opportunities that in the old time call “developed” countries.  We have to take in account this and make actions. Is a priority to request our governments to implement actions and make efficient and fair our new global world.
“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win”. This is an old statement of Gandhi, but this old statement is becoming now a new hope for millions of people, and we can´t be impassive while this is happening.
We are not leaving anymore in different countries with physical and intellectual borders, we are leaving in a new global one and we have to share and allocate the resources in the best way for everybody. If we think in terms of a company, we need to be efficient. And the world, as a global one is not efficient. Internet and new technological advances can help us, but can be a barrier for lot of people if we don´t use it properly. We have to look for profitability (in terms of live style) optimizing the cost, and if we share this point of view we can also share new important resources.
But there is more. It is important for anyone of us to do things. Things will never change by their own way, is necessary to take actions. The addition of individual actions in a global world allows us to achieve a better one. If we continue in the same way we will have to deal with economical, social, political and personal problems in a short period of time. People together can change things, in spite of their governments prefer to look for their position and for the elections, making things sometimes against their own people.
We can change things together and internet and technological advances are our best allies, not our enemies.
So, what are we waiting?


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